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At Magid, we know what makes people tick and how to harness that to drive business growth. By deeply understanding human behavior, we aspire to transform the consumer experience and pave the way for a future where businesses thrive through genuine connection.
Our comprehensive suite of products combines unparalleled consumer intelligence and advanced data expertise with strategy and activation, ensuring you’re always a step ahead of the competition.
Propel your business forward with AD.VANTAGE
Transform your brand’s engagement and drive growth with emotional Insights
Unleash journalism with Collaborator Newsroom.
Where audience intelligence meets impact
Unlock cultural insights to shape your brand’s strategy
Transform your brand’s inclusivity with DiversityLens
Crack the code to audience engagement with eDNA
The definitive segmentation and audience toolkit for streaming video
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At Magid, we know what makes people tick and how to harness that to drive business growth. By deeply understanding human behavior, we aspire to transform the consumer experience and pave the way for a future where businesses thrive through genuine connection.
Our comprehensive suite of products combines unparalleled consumer intelligence and advanced data expertise with strategy and activation, ensuring you’re always a step ahead of the competition.
Propel your business forward with AD.VANTAGE
Transform your brand’s engagement and drive growth with emotional Insights
Unleash journalism with Collaborator Newsroom.
Where audience intelligence meets impact
Unlock cultural insights to shape your brand’s strategy
Transform your brand’s inclusivity with DiversityLens
Crack the code to audience engagement with eDNA
The definitive segmentation and audience toolkit for streaming video
Never miss a beat!
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At Magid, we know what makes people tick and how to harness that to drive business growth. By deeply understanding human behavior, we aspire to transform the consumer experience and pave the way for a future where businesses thrive through genuine connection.
Our comprehensive suite of products combines unparalleled consumer intelligence and advanced data expertise with strategy and activation, ensuring you’re always a step ahead of the competition.
Propel your business forward with AD.VANTAGE
Transform your brand’s engagement and drive growth with emotional Insights
Unleash journalism with Collaborator Newsroom.
Where audience intelligence meets impact
Unlock cultural insights to shape your brand’s strategy
Transform your brand’s inclusivity with DiversityLens
Crack the code to audience engagement with eDNA
The definitive segmentation and audience toolkit for streaming video
Never miss a beat!
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At Magid, we know what makes people tick and how to harness that to drive business growth. By deeply understanding human behavior, we aspire to transform the consumer experience and pave the way for a future where businesses thrive through genuine connection.
This past summer, Magid conducted qualitative research to better understand the experiences of voice assistant owners (both new and more “veteran” owners), including exploring points of normalization and points of friction, discovery and use of skills (including branded content), consumer preferences and desired applications, and privacy and trust. Of the many topics explored, an interesting finding emerged around branded content (most often, this is through branded skills).
Consumers not only see many benefits of accessing branded content on their voice assistants – they also are more likely to have positive impressions of brands who make content available.
Understanding this in more detail lays an important foundation for any brand already participating in, or considering entering, the growing voice space.
Perceived benefits from the consumer perspective
Consumers see many benefits to accessing content provided by specific brands on voice assistants.
“I love it! I think [branded skills are] great and make the device better; the more integrations the better, in my opinion. … I think it increases the value of having them.” – Voice assistant owner
“I am able to use the brands I love, and this makes me want to continue using my voice assistant.” – Voice assistant owner
Consumer perceptions of brands delivering branded skills
Consumers agree accessing content provided by brands can have a strong positive impact on their perceptions of the brand and even motivate their buying habits.
“I see brands more positively if they have skills on voice assistants because that tells me that they are moving with the times, staying current, and working to give customers what they need to live the most convenient and seamless lives they can.” – Voice assistant owner
“I believe having a branded skill greatly improves their brand overall, since it shows that they care about working with their customers and giving them the best experience possible.” – Voice assistant owner
“I like the brand more. If I had to choose between two brands, and one worked with the voice assistant, then I’d be more likely to work with the voice assistant brand. Having a branded skill makes the brand easy to access, plus is a constant reminder of that brand. Let’s say I needed to know how to handle stains, and I use the Tide stain skill, then I’m more likely to look at Tide when I’m out shopping.” – Voice assistant owner
While the benefits are many, consumers did point out a few drawbacks to using branded content on their voice assistants. Difficulty in setting up or “activating” a skill, concerns overall information coming from only one source (“a monopoly on information”), and feelings of being overwhelmed (particularly if a large number of brand content options exist) can be as potentially detrimental to a brand as a positive experience can be productive to a brand.
As more consumers adopt voice assistants into their lives, brands will need to more deeply understand rapidly evolving consumer perceptions on the role brands can and should play in this new space. Are you ready? Let’s talk.
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