Magid knows post-pandemic travel » the old customer is new again

Magid knows post-pandemic travel » the old customer is new again

It’s a go for summer – is your travel or hospitality brand ready for post-pandemic travel?

As we approach the de facto kick-off to the summer travel season, following new CDC guidelines around masking, lifted restrictions and increased vaccination rates across the country, the traditionally big travel weekend may be even bigger this year as people return to air travel, hop back in the car or RV for a road trip, stay in hotels and get out to restaurants and bars.

For consumers who are part of the quickly returning majority, their new patterns and habits may likely shift how they view their experience with your brand. While a not insignificant portion of consumers continue sitting on the sidelines. What will it take for them to comfortably return to the skies, hotel rooms, restaurants, gyms, and other crowded spaces? Brent Magid, CEO, and Beth Miller, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer offer perspective on this topic while sharing some of the latest Magid insights on what consumers are dreading about post-pandemic life, their fears, and their desire for control.


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