Our People

We are 100+ professionals across the U.S. who share a dedication to uncovering and harnessing human truths to enable brands to deliver extraordinary value to their customers. Grounded in trust, entrepreneurial in spirit, and relentless in curiosity, we leverage a unique blend of expertise to elevate brands, ensuring every client engagement is informed by the collective and diverse wisdom of our people.

Leadership at Magid

At the heart of Magid’s innovative spirit is our respected leadership team—visionaries dedicated to revealing deep insights into human behavior. This team, guiding our success, are pioneers embodying the values that set Magid apart.

Brent Magid

Brent Magid

President, CEO, CRO
Mark Hosbein

Mark Hosbein

Executive Vice President Sales
Beth McCartan

Beth McCartan

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer
Alberto Melgoza

Alberto Melgoza

Chief Technology Officer – Head of Products
Kate Morgan

Kate Morgan

Chief Operating Officer – Intelligence and Data Solutions
John Rood

John Rood

Chief Marketing Officer
Jaime Spencer

Jaime Spencer

Chief Operating Officer - Activation

The people powering Magid

Magid is powered by a team of diverse, talented innovators who fuse creativity with analytics to uncover human truths that drive brand success. Our experts blend their wide-ranging expertise with cultural fluency to deliver insights that resonate deeply with consumers.

We excel in transforming complex data into coherent stories that inform sound strategies and authentic connections. More than mere number crunchers, our team are skilled narrators who shape data into actionable intelligence for our clients.

Adaptive and forward-thinking, our professionals embody the innovative spirit necessary to succeed in a dynamic consumer landscape. They drive our mission to amplify consumer voices, ensuring that Magid remains the force that propels brands forward.

Our People stats - 'Average tenure of 9 years among core team members'
Our people team graphic - 20+ years of proprietary studies fostering cross-industry creativity.'
Our people team graphic - 'Over the past 20 years, our team has connected with 10MM+ people'
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Brittany Zavala and Kristie Henderson bring festive cheer to Pinstripes in Bloomington, MN, celebrating the season with joyous revelry
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In the heart of New York, Thomas Schankler, Jill Rosengard Hill, Mike Bloxham, and Debby Ruth gather in high spirits to commemorate the holiday festivities
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Jennie Finerty takes the stage at CTAM to share her expert perspectives, captivating the audience with her insights
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Beth McCartan and Elisa Delos Santos take a day to make a difference, dedicating their time to packing nourishing meals at Feed My Starving Children's facility in Chanhassen, MN
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Sarah Holmes and Mike Salmon take to the stage, presenting their insights at an engaging LA Next Up event
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Brent Magid embraces the spirit of giving by joining forces with Feed My Starving Children in Chanhassen, MN

Craft your story at Magid

Chart your professional voyage with Magid, where discovery is driven by human truths and strategic innovation. Join a workplace that’s committed to becoming a pinnacle of customer experience and creating value that resonates. Find out how you can contribute to our ongoing story of excellence on our Careers page.

Customers are constantly evolving.

Together, we help shape the human experience. Uncover ideas to craft strategies to get ahead and stay there.

What are you interested in?
