Magid’s Mike Vorhaus to present at Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference

Magid’s Mike Vorhaus to present at Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference

Mike Vorhaus to present at Goldman Sachs 27th Annual Communacopia Conference

Vorhaus invited to return to Communicopia to present Magid’s latest insights on media consumption

NEW YORK, September 7, 2018 – Mike Vorhaus, President of Magid Advisors, will present at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference in New York on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 1:15 PM E.T.

During the session titled, “Cord Cutting & Shaving – Consumer Survey on Media Consumption,” Vorhaus will present findings from the 2018 Magid Media Consumption study. The study focused on uncovering media attitudes and behaviors of consumers regarding a broad range of topics. Data was collected June 4 – June 12, 2018, with a nationally representative online survey of N=2,400 online users, ages 8-64. The sample matched to the U.S. Census for age, gender, and race.

Communacopia is a top executive conference comprised of industry-leading companies within the Media, Telecom and Communications space.


About Magid
Magid is a consumer-centered business strategy company delivering courageous thinking that shapes better experiences, products and services. Since 1957, thousands of local and global brands in over 40 countries have engaged the firm for bold ideas that have helped achieve innovation and success. The Magid team is passionately curious and driven by the pursuit of improving human experiences with every engagement.


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