Cracking the code: how social media platforms can attract and retain gamers

Cracking the code: how social media platforms can attract and retain gamers

In today’s hyper-competitive social media landscape, attracting and retaining gamers is no easy task. A popular social media company recognized the need to better understand how gaming communities interact with various platforms, and they turned to Magid for a solution. The goal was to not only grasp the strengths and weaknesses of rival social media platforms but also to test new concepts aimed at driving retention among this highly engaged audience.

Magid kicked off the project by developing a marketplace primer that broke down the key drivers of platform adoption within gaming communities. This primer provided critical insights into what makes a platform appealing—or not—to gamers, offering a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape.

To dig deeper, Magid hosted a week-long series of online activities with 60 gamers, carefully segmented into casual, midcore, and hardcore groups. These activities provided invaluable insights into how each segment interacts with social media platforms, uncovering behaviors and preferences that are vital to building stronger relationships with the gaming community.

The most engaged participants from these online boards were then selected for individual interviews. These interviews allowed Magid to gather detailed feedback on new social media feature concepts, providing the client with clear, actionable insights.

The outcome of this research was significant. Magid’s study not only outlined the permissions the social media platform had from the three different gaming segments but also provided the critical feedback needed to refine and expand their relationships with these communities. The insights gained were instrumental in driving stronger engagement and ensuring that the platform remained relevant in the eyes of gamers.

In today’s hyper-competitive social media landscape, attracting and retaining gamers is no easy task. A popular social media company recognized the need to better understand how gaming communities interact with various platforms, and they turned to Magid for a solution. The goal was to not only grasp the strengths and weaknesses of rival social media platforms but also to test new concepts aimed at driving retention among this highly engaged audience.

Magid kicked off the project by developing a marketplace primer that broke down the key drivers of platform adoption within gaming communities. This primer provided critical insights into what makes a platform appealing—or not—to gamers, offering a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape.

To dig deeper, Magid hosted a week-long series of online activities with 60 gamers, carefully segmented into casual, midcore, and hardcore groups. These activities provided invaluable insights into how each segment interacts with social media platforms, uncovering behaviors and preferences that are vital to building stronger relationships with the gaming community.

The most engaged participants from these online boards were then selected for individual interviews. These interviews allowed Magid to gather detailed feedback on new social media feature concepts, providing the client with clear, actionable insights.

The outcome of this research was significant. Magid’s study not only outlined the permissions the social media platform had from the three different gaming segments but also provided the critical feedback needed to refine and expand their relationships with these communities. The insights gained were instrumental in driving stronger engagement and ensuring that the platform remained relevant in the eyes of gamers.